Monday, May 18, 2009

His Solemn Vow

While we were worshipping on Sunday morning, we were singing about our desire for God to come like the sunrise, finally bringing His justice and mercy for us all, asking Him to rise in the darkness and bring us peace...I loved this imagery (major props to God and Jamie Foster, who wrote the song), and I was just thanking God that this is WHO HE IS!! He IS justice and mercy and light, and He will bring these things to earth in His time (read Isaiah for more!!) I can't wait. For those around the world in desperate need, I know He is at work through His Church, but I know that true deliverance and freedom is waiting in the wings with the return of Jesus. 
As I was worshipping, this thought came to my mind from the Lord: He said, "I sent My Word". It was like He was reminding me of a solemn vow He had made to bring justice and compassion, vengeance and peace, restoration and truly, finally, the government on His shoulders. Loving the fatherless, drying every tear, rebuilding the ruins, bringing beauty from ashes. He sent His Word; like a person used to "send word" to their loved ones to say what they're doing, when they're coming, what to do in the meantime. He sent His Word: A promise of His character and heart. And this message, this "go ahead of Me and tell them Who I Am, tell them what I am doing", was embodied in the holy, compassionate, fiery for truth, Son of God. Jesus was God's Word (John 1). He was a not-so-subtle story of God and all that God represents; He was the Word, the sweet foretelling, sent forth to give hope.
Somehow as we receive Jesus, God's solemn vow, His message of what is now and what is to come is placed in not-so-subtly show the world. I pray two things for myself: #1 - That I will live to know Jesus more and deeper, because no other goal matters in comparison. This is worthy of all I am and all I do. #2 - That my life (by the power of the Holy Spirit) would show people the heart and plan and character of our great God who is coming for us!!! 
How lovely on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, that OUR GOD REIGNS!

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