Sunday, March 6, 2011

It Is March

Wow. I just need a second to let it in sink in. It is March. I have a lot of things I could blog about but today I just want to start off the week catching folks up with my life! Maybe it will ensure my clarity about it as well, that's always nice. ;) ---------------------------------------- First of all: God is good and I am enjoying this place of simple trust. Something wonderful happens when you truly believe that there are no problems between people, only problems between people and God (Martha Kilpatrick says this). Nothing can come to us outside of His allowance, so our issue needs to be taken up with Him, and He is more than willing to go there with us. I am learning more about carrying the cross with Him, learning about not loving my own life (and what I wanted out of life), and honestly, the big picture of why I'm here. ---------------------------------------- Secondly: My health has been rough, and I'm still praying for healing as well as trying to stay on track to do the things that make me healthy. I found out about a new little treatment and going for it this week; I feel hopeful. Getting back off sugar is important, too, but I struggle with that because after a couple of weeks I usually start to think, "Why am I doing this? Moderation is okay.." But for someone with adrenal fatigue, sugar is the devil, and do we allow the devil in moderation? No. ---------------------------------------- Thirdly: My family is so precious. They are loud and crazy, but we are in love. I feel a special calling to my husband right now, and so thankful for this chance to believe God with him. He is leaving his current employment and I am excited about what the future holds, but even more excited that God is reaching to him and drawing him close. That is my only true concern and prayer. Yemi is talking. A LOT. She has gone from saying, "Hold you" and "Rock me" to things like: "I want to go home, cuddle with daddy, and watch Dora." She says, "I want to rock and read Hop on Pop." In the morning, she says, "I want a jelly butter", which means a peanut butter and jelly sandwich (for breakfast!). She saw Jack's Bible laying out and she said, "I want to read Bible!" (I didn't know she knew the difference between a Bible and other books.) Selah is doing so well in Kindergarten! She is well-loved, articulate, and excelling in reading, math, and overall kindness and love. She told me that when you are a Christian, "God gives you the energy to love." It is obvious in her life. She is a unique little child of God, and I feel honored to be the mommy of these girls! She is having her tonsils and adenoids out on Thursday and I can tell she is really nervous about it. Pray for us if you think of it. ---------------------------------------- On the outskirts of my life: We are a part of Open House, which is a gathering of believers on Saturday night here in E-town. We love it and are thankful for it. We have always (since I was a kid) journeyed in community on this path with Jesus, and love the people we are journeying with in this season. I led worship there one week and enjoyed that. I am making another CD with some friends, and am excited about the new songs. My hope is to do about 15 concerts, mainly in homes, in 2011. I am planning to start a Nutrition Support Group, where others who desire to be serious about this can come, learn, and keep each other strong. I am still selling quilts for a ministry to widows with HIV in Cambodia and have a new idea that may possibly help get those sold... ---------------------------------------- Spring is around the corner. The Lord's return is, too. Let us be found burning, a strong flame for the right things. The Lord will tell you personally what the right things are for you. Above all, first and last, will be your intimate relationship with Him. Everything else, literally everything else, is temporary and not worthy of our everything.

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