Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The Why and The How

I have been challenged lately by this ever growing thought: God is more concerned about why and how I do what I do, than simply what I do. There has got to be a clearer way to say that, but it's the best I can do after a long day!

Within obedience, within the realm of the priorities and callings, within the confines of the things He has put in our path or clearly is asking us to do right now, He is asking for more. And it's all for our good, a more abundant life, that He is doing so. He is saying, "Okay. Now You see I have put you there...in that family, in that marriage, with those kids, in that job, with that special circumstance. You're surrendered to Me, and I appreciate that. Now onto Phase Two. The "what" is answered; make sure you know the "why" (because you'll be blessed if you know, it gives it all a whole new meaning, even if the answer is just because He said so!) and make sure you pay attention to the "how" (again, you'll be blessed.)

Parenting. I'm not allowed to just do it. I have to let the Holy Spirit in me, the fragrance of Christ, lead my words, tones, actions. Gee whiz. I don't have that kind of patience and calm...but He does, and if I am dwelling with Him, in tune with Him, it will be there in reserve when I need it. Being a housewife. Making a CD. Praying for others. Caring about family, friends, and others around the world. He'll lead the way in regard to "what" I do...I used to care so much about the "what" that I would have given up a relationship with Him for a roadmap! Thank God He didn't allow that option.

My prayer and my challenge is: I want my heart and life to be honestly communing with Him in a way that will make the motives and actions and attitudes of my life all work together for His good pleasure. I long to see what it would look like for me to fully dwell, alive and awake, to His existence in me all the time. Only because of the blood, only because of the Spirit, only because of the fellowship of the Body of Christ is it possible, but it is possible. I think we trade a lot of things in for this. We swap this particular focus out for busyness and running around doing what someone told us we should be doing without ever knowing if it's what He said to do. And even if it is what He said to do, again, it is so easy to forget all about how we conduct ourselves while doing it.


  1. Lyn, thanks for sharing that. I will ponder your words for quite some time.

    I'm having such a struggle and it help to share in another believer's journey.

    I'm struggling to trust God. I want Him to protect me from all the things that cause me to suffer. (I'm right in the midst of a serious allergic reaction which is causing a great deal of pain.) I pray and ask Him to protect me from these things but that doesn't always happen. I usually fall prey to my allergies three to six times a year.

    Recently I was told my a dear friend, one who's counsel I cherish, that I am choosing to be ill and that I lack faith when I allow my doctors to prescribe the medications that have so often kept me alive. And... I wonder. Is she right?

    Perhaps I'm feeling defensive or maybe I'm re-evaluating. I don't know which it is but certainly I am asking God to help me understand.

    Anyway... I am grateful for your honesty and openness. Thanks Lyn!

  2. Hi there! I actually just heard of you tonight when pandora played your song for me! I loved it so much I had to come learn more! We both share a love for Sara Groves (whom I got to see a couple of weeks ago at the Orphan Summit in Louisville. Hooray!) and for Ethiopian adoption...and for the name Selah (my Ethiopian princess and youngest and your firstborn). Anyway, I just wanted to come by and say I was blessed by your song and what I've seen in the couple of minutes I've been learning about you. God is good. And good luck in your current recording venture!!!

  3. Danielle,
    Were we separated at birth or what? I went to your blog and read about some of your interests and callings, and was just amazed!! Can't wait to read more. Thank you very very much for listening to my song (not skipping past!) and finding my blog. I'll be reading yours often!
