Tuesday, November 22, 2011

So Much To Say...

Well, there is so much to write about and I need to be in bed in...oh dear...I need to have *been* in bed 13 minutes ago. Oops. Anyway, I just have to give the Lord thanks on this semi-public forum--

Yesterday he had an accident at GE; he was welding or cutting some steel, which was on a forklift, and a 500 lb piece of steel became unbalanced and fell from about 10 feet and hit him on the head. He was rushed to the hospital and we didn't know what was happening except that he was talking and conscious, but didn't know if it was a life threatening situation or not. Within about 30 minutes we found out it was not...and within about 3 hours, we were so blessed to find out that he didn't have any broken bones or internal bleeding, just a deep gash. A friend of my mom's had a word from the Lord before any of this information had come in (my mom had called and asked her to pray at a time when all we knew is that he had been rushed to the hospital). The word was, "It's okay, I sent my angels to soften the blow to his head." She did not know he had been hit in the head, none of us did at that time. But this is exactly what had happened. It was truly a miracle that he wasn't crushed or killed! We are in awe and so thankful for the Lord's protection, and we realize a little better, too, that God protects us from tragedy all of the time.

On another note, very randomly from this story, please pray for my little family! We really feel like God wants to do something new in and with us. We are seeking Him and studying Isaiah 58; that's the passage Jack preached from the evening he proposed, and it still fits the life we want to lead. I don't think we lead that life nearly as much or how I imagined, but we are putting ourselves in a posture to hear from the Lord. If that means we stay here and adopt more children, I would love that. If that means we go to a different mission field, that would be really great as well. Jack really would like to have, I guess I should even say needs, a new job; I, personally, am content here as I'm homeschooling and getting involved in some adoption groups, singing again, etc. But either way, discontent with a job or content with life here, that isn't reason to stay or go or whatever! We just want to know what the Lord wants. We want to hear His voice, His still small voice. Pray for us as we set aside time and availability to hear Him.

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