Saturday, May 19, 2012

Day 2 of F & V Fast...and Day 2 of Being Home

Hello! So...are you curious about how its going? Which part? The f & v fast or being home after two weeks of sweet blissful vacay?

We'll start with the fasting first. I am grateful because my sleep last night was not affected by being hungry! I usually eat a Zone bar with my meds and many times I have tried to go without it and laid awake for hours. Thankfully, last night I slept great, and pray I also will tonight! I've had lots of spinach salad, tomato soup, apples, raspberries, carrots, strawberries, broccoli and peppers. Oh, and Craisins. Thank God for Craisins. I'm actually enjoying the food a lot and have more things on my list for the next time I go to the store. Surely what I bought will last at least 5 days! That is one thing I have noticed quickly the f & v go when that's all I'm eating!

I'm thinking the next trip to the store will include what I already bought plus frozen fruit for smoothies and pineapple, red onion, red pepper, green pepper, and corn on the cob to GRILL! YUM! I could eat that everyday, no problem. I am a little tired, and I feel a little "down", but I honestly think that is more from just being a little overwhelmed emotionally, not what is going on physically.

Which leads to the next thing I was going to write about: Coming home from an awesome vacation where I didn't have to think about practical things, the calendar, or housework. I jumped back in way too fast because I felt like I had put some people off for long enough. Whew. Right now I honestly want to evaluate some of the things outside my home that I am doing. "Technically", I have the time to do many of these things, but is it taking my mind, attention, and patience away from my kids, home, husband, and walk with God? If I were to let years go by and not be "really here", I'd really have lost in this race. Total fail. That doesn't mean I'm not allowed to do anything outside my home!! I just need to constantly live with and pray through the tension of the balance and choose very, very carefully.

A few more pics for ya~from Epcot, my favorite! (Great field trip, homeschoolers!!)
 Selah and Jack ate in China...with chopsticks as you can see!
Yemi and I ate in Morocco. It was incredible...but I'd rather go to the real country of course!

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