Monday, November 26, 2012

What I Am Thankful For

November is almost over and I haven't written my thankfulness list yet...But I am ever and always pondering on the list, because it is long and I am truly grateful. Here are a few things I daily am thinking are lifesavers and lifechangers...

*My dear Jesus. He is my Life. I feel like I am truly blessed because I have embraced, fully believed and accepted, His great love for me. I am His Beloved and so I'm happy!
*My husband. He really accepts me for who I am.
*My darling little girls. They make me smile so much! They have a future of hope and destiny.
*Our house which is a home. This home enables us to have freedom to serve the Lord more. It's a refuge. It's our home base. So thankful God didn't allow us to move like I asked.
*Our vehicles, both of which were a gift! Wow, I know!
*The renovations and stuff we have gotten to do to the house this year, some out of necessity, some just because it would make our lives more functional and easier. The newest one is a fence. We don't have a backyard so the kids play in the front and I can't leave them alone for a minute; it's stressful. Now we are having a fence made...It's beautiful and a perfect corral for kids, friends, dog, whatever!
*Our extended family being near and wonderful. My mom watching the kids once a week so I can work.
*Oh, that reminds me...My church and part time job worship leading! Yes! God has surprised me with this blessing and I am growing in several ways through this opportunity to do more with music.
*Homeschooling, FAITH, and My Father's World curriculum.
*Knowing that in my least favorite season (because when I'm cold, my muscles get really tense and my skin gets really awful) I have a warm bed, home, hat, gloves, and coats!
*My friends!!! I am thankful to have so many people I can turn to for prayer, fun, talks, love! Old friends, new friends, they are from the Lord.
*And last...but not, well, yes, probably least, but still nice...Jack got a new computer and that means this laptop stays home now!! So great! That's why I've been blogging more, and it's a nice little luxury to have it when I want/need it.

So, happy belated Thanksgiving, and I pray we all remain in AWE and remembrance of all God has done for us.

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