Saturday, May 4, 2013

2 Weeks

Things have been a little busy and juggling isn't really my thing...

But here I am anyway. Several things have converged at the same time, for a season. We had a Sister Bridge Leadership Team meeting to discuss things for the Fall Season, which I'm very excited about. And (drum roll), I get to go to Africa this summer to meet and lead worship for the Timbali Women's Retreat! I'm so excited. Can't believe I get to go! Joanna and I started work on our new EP, Beloved, which is going to be a great album to help His Bride just gaze and linger and enjoy and be enjoyed. Along with that is trying to be a good steward of the investment I've made in my previous CDs. Since I don't sing in concert much, it's a challenge to sell CDs, so I am using social media some (YouTube, FB, etc) to try to get the word out about my stuff. I hope it hasn't been annoying. Some people didn't know I had a 3rd CD out, and it's been out a year. Publicity just comes with the "being an indie artist" thing, but it's worth it! I love being able to make my own music. I'm so appreciative of those who support me! Homeschool is still going strong, we aren't stopping for the summer, but rather having a year with flexible days off throughout. Journey is going well, and our theme of "Water=Life" has been so cool, as we study Jesus as the Living Water and paralleled to that how we can be His hands and feet to bring living, clean water to communities that need it. Our worship team has grown and that's been FUN! And we've been swimming a lot; the girls are taking lessons; and we get to go to the beach in 2 weeks! YAY!

My health has been better, as I've been getting good amounts of sleep, and am still wheat and sugar free. I've lost 17 pounds, and that is a huge surprising praise. It is a job taking good care of myself, but of course one of my most important ones. At the same time, I'm getting to take care of my family, because while I don't like food being such an important part of my life, it simply is. My whole family is off wheat and sugar, and keeping the kids full is a challenge! They have SO much energy on this diet, and such an appetite. Yemi's "potty problems" have almost entirely went away, and Jack is losing weight. It's worth the work of preparing food all day!

About the multi-tasking... I just want to stay relaxed and not allow the juggling to first of all, take me from my top priorities, and second of all, to become a stress. None of these things are stressful in themselves. They are a gift that I don't want to turn into a burden...but I have the tendency to do so! The Lord is so good, because every time I come to Him He gently reminds me to keep my "durn hands off!" Haha! :) Seriously, though, all these things I have mentioned are things I feel called to be a part of, but not things I am called to worry about! Also, they are not things I need to get prideful or over involved in, and I have to keep a constant check to make sure I am not operating out of wrong motives.

It is awesome to feel like I can look at this list of things God has me involved in and truthfully say I could walk away from it in an instant if He wants me to. Years ago, these things would have been my identity. But He has changed all of that!! My top priorities are not any of these things, they are extras, and they have to be treated as such! My walk with Jesus is not the same thing as my ministry with the church or missions or music, anymore than my cooking and preparing food for Jack is the same thing as a loving intimate marriage!

To be with Jesus, communing all day. To give special attention to my husband. To love and guide my children. To take care of myself as the Lord has given me wisdom and resources to do so. These can be the hardest things...being busy is sometimes easier! But these are what I come back to. If these aren't happening, it's time to cut some ties...

1 comment:

  1. I read this post in a rush the other day but wanted to come back by and say I LOVE IT! So excited for you and everything that is going on in you life. AFRICA!! 17 lbs!! The beach!! Oh so happy for you! Love the beautiful way you say that it all could be scrapped tomorrow if need be, love how you are holding to the lesson God has worked in you heart. Anyway, I feel like I'm still in the rush...blessings friend!!
