Tuesday, December 14, 2010


So, I suppose Christmas Break has started early for us. Selah is home with strep throat, and it looks like an ice storm will be coming to knock out chances of school on Thursday. Bring on the peanut butter balls, Santa Clause movie marathon, and well, um, insanity.

I'm just feeling a little weird, like I am just not ready for Christmas, and I have no idea why. Our first "christmas" is this Saturday, with Jack's side of the family. It will be fun, and then the next day its christmas again, at my mom and dad's. It'll be great...but what about it makes me want to just go ahead and eat every praline I made (to bring to the parties)?

Well, another lame blog post, but I do think some good ones are coming. I want to do some "year-end book and movie reviews" (don't you just love my overuse of quotation marks today? You know i'm in a sarcastic mood when I use lots of quotation marks!) And then in January, once all the beautiful holiday festivities are over and it's just plain cold, I am going to launch into a daily blog about winter survival. I seriously do plan to blog every day on the topic of ideas to make winter spectacular for those of us prone to hibernation! I'm sure that my ideas are things everyone else knows, however, I will need to write them down for my own sake...and maybe they'll be a reminder to my fellow shiver-ers.