Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Year!

I absolutely love New Year. It is so much fun to start new ideas, put new practices into place, have a bit of a challenge. There are several priorities on my heart on a continual basis (actually more than I can really handle yet I will persevere by God's grace) but these are two extras for this year...

One of the things I'd like to do is a weekly blog entry that will go along with our worship set at church each Sunday. I blogged about this last week--I want to go through the whole Bible, pulling out the instances that God revealed He was all about intimacy between Himself and mankind. Characters, stories, passages, proof. I started it last Sunday, and I will blog this week about Week 1: Adam and Eve! My call to lead worship and sing/song write isn't primarily about music; it is primarily about revealing the heart of God to the world and perhaps even more so to the Bride that He is jealous for. I really hope that this 52 Sundays idea will be Holy Spirit written!

Another thing for this year is going to be quite a challenge, but I have a fellowship of ladies who are doing it together and that is GO SUGAR & WHITE FLOUR FREE! I really want this. I want it because sweets are too important to me, because my weight and health isn't good, and because I need to be free from the battle. Why total elimination instead of moderation? Because I've had 34 1/2 years to eat sugar moderately and I still haven't gotten it under control, and because it's just too serious and dangerous to play around with anymore. Blogs, interviews, and links to come on this!

I want to share this real quick...I ran across this little piece of paper in my Bible today. It was from when I went through the Bible Study "Believing God" at least 7 years ago. It said: "I'm believing God: 1) For victory in my every day life--schedule, balance, ministry, family, etc. 2)That He will accomplish in and through my life His perfect will, and my part in that plan, and that He would give me peace about it."

At that time, I didn't have peace or clarity about my life, but He really did answer that prayer! So my prayer for YOU and for all of us who are seeking a deeper walk with Jesus, is that we would have victory and peace in our every day lives, and have peace about our part in His plan.  May the things we set our minds and hearts to be acts of obedience, because if they are, there is success in the journey. Amen, and HAPPY NEW YEAR!

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