Thursday, January 13, 2011

Everybody Has Those Days...

...I just have more of them. I have been so tired this week! Along with that comes such a lack of mojo. Gee whiz. I can hardly stand myself. Although the winter is part of it, I certainly can't force full responsibility on it. It's actually been gorgeous outside. If it's going to be cold, at least it's beautiful! In the midst of my lack, I thank God for the unmerited favor and unconditional love He has for me. I receive it. I take it. I'm hungry and thirsty for it, and can't live without it. Grace. I wrote a song a long time ago that says, "I am just a beggar really, arms outstretched...for one more handout, one more chance, one more anything."

Last night Jack and I listened to Misty Edwards preach on, and she was talking about how our minds are so full, so active, always thinking about what someone said or what we said, or the's like a movie going on and on. And she said God made us like that on purpose and that very space was fashioned for Him to dwell with us. We are used to filling it with a million other things, and sometimes that's appropriate obviously to think through other things, but how many hours could our minds be focused on the Lord each day when it's just going to be running anyway? Misty said she hopes someday her daydreams are about Jesus. Me, too! That's my new hope, anyway. :)

Last night, after listening to this, I was trying to spend time with my mind focused on Jesus, and found myself praying for everybody and everything instead, then eventually distracted completely and thinking about myself. So, I've compiled a list to help myself train my mind in this. Here are some sort of tangible things I can set my mind on:
*Scriptures: Right now, I have a goal to read Song of Solomon, Proverbs, John, and Revelation 12 times this year. I can meditate on a small line of scripture, taking one word at a time. Or I can take a line and picture it; whatever I think the outcome could be, just visualize the story, image, etc. and dwell on the beauty.
*Worship: Make lists of the attributes and characteristics of God in my mind. Make up short meditative songs, like little mantras. It's amazing how truth becomes alive when you do this! It can be the smallest thing, like "Jesus loves me". Sing to Him, especially songs that are straight to Him and magnify Him!
*Promises/Words: Think about times God has spoken to me, helped me, healed me, given me a word of encouragement, or sent something to me at just the right time. We call these things to mind, as the Bible says, therefore we have hope. How neat to have a smile on your face because you're secretly adoring Jesus.

He wants our mind, and that requires discipline. As I'm reading in Proverbs, discipline is a fruit of wisdom, and that means it is a reward! It is a gooooooood thing. It is a gift. One prayer I really need to get back to praying (137 x a day if need be) is, "Lord, help me love wisdom. Help me desire what is right, good, and wise, because on my own, I am the opposite. I am lazy and rebellious. Only You can change me!" Setting our minds on things above...wherever, whenever, it's Heaven practice.

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