Sunday, January 23, 2011

Snow Days

Well, I'm sure it didn't matter to anyone else, but I am bummed that I am not able to do my idea of writing everyday about winter! The past week I had no access to the computer but honestly, I was having a hard time being positive about winter as well! Just tired and stuff. Also, I am taking these beautiful pictures but can't put them on my computer/blogs for awhile, so that sort of detracts from the fun of it. I am today, and I will tell you I have missed writing. I need to write. For an introvert, it's just the perfect form of communication.

So I guess my encouragement about winter today came from Jack. We have had about 4 snow days in the past 2 weeks, if I'm remembering correctly (which I may not be, to be honest, it's been that kind of a week!) Selah mentioned that she didn't get > go out and play in the snow several of those days, because "my mommy hates the cold!" Jack overheard her telling someone this, and he got sad because he loves going out there with her, but was working long hours those particular days.

So yesterday, they spent hours out there together. I don't know what they do or how they stand it, but they had a wonderful time and Jack told me today, "It broke my heart to miss going out there to play with her. Snows don't come that often, and I only have about ten good years with her where she is really going to want to go out there with me. I can do stuff like work anytime, but that's special." I love him. Being so deep and constant in the midst of this thing called a home life sometimes takes away my gratitude and awe for a while.

I have had a rough week but after this conversation, I felt different. Selah is only five, but she's so much more mature than I expected at this age. I really value her company, even if she does toot on me and whine (loudly) when I get on the phone. I love the smell of her hair and the way her eyes look when she first gets up in the morning. And Yemi...oh Yemi. She is 2 1/2 going on 1. She's hilarious, and while she's a handful that I need a break from sometimes, that child is so unique and beautiful, and learning all kinds of sweet things from her sis. Today Selah hurt her toe and Yemi got on the floor and kissed it for her!

I love my life. I need help to not slip into certain problems in this life, like boredom (not like I don't have enough to do, just sick of it) and seclusion (out of necessity due to sickness or snow or tired kids) and even depression (when I cannot seem to remember why I'm doing what I'm doing, when I can't remember HOW to do it with energy and joy).

So, enjoy the snow days...enjoy the hot chocolate...enjoy the 17 layers of clothes laid out to dry by your front door. We only have about 10 good years of it. And if you think that's a long time, you're a lot younger than me!!!

1 comment:

  1. Lyndsay ~ i can so relate ~ watching my daughter from the other side of the glass door trying to convince her the Dogs are company enough ~ the cold stinks!! i am thankful i was still playing in the snow when i was a teenager, i am hoping there is still time ♥
