Sunday, January 30, 2011

Let the Sun Shine!!

I was so thrilled to have some sunshine these past few days. That, a extra couple of hours of sleep last night, and a good talk with the Lord, have finally brought some hope to my shriveled up little soul! I feel like I can finally write again and possibly have something to say. My goodness, it has been a rough month for me. I had hoped to sort of encourage myself and others through the winter, and I've failed pretty miserably. I have been tired and grumpy, trying to do things that make for good health, but not seeing many results, and then other times not exactly "deserving" any results at all. I don't have a computer to write/blog on, I don't have a place to even put my pictures to use online, and I was hoping for those outlets this particular season...but it was not meant to be. And that's okay. Lots of things break and fail, and the more I live, the more I see how incapable I am to do even the smallest things I set out to do.

Could this story end well? Surprisingly, it does! Wow, it really does. Until you've been in this place, it will all sound there's the warning. But honestly, yesterday I was just crying out to the Lord, telling Him how impossible it was for me to handle all this, how I keep trying to change and rise up but I can't. And I felt that He was saying to accept myself as I was, really look at the truth for a moment. Before I could argue and say, "What good will that do? When I feel and act like this, I'm not acceptable, Lord, so I can't..." He was saying, "You have to accept who you are before My help comes, in order to receive My help." I think it's called humility.

I had to admit who I am without Him. I had to dwell there and really look at it. Then I could truly know there is no hope for me on my own, and could ask with the correct perspective for Him to come in and do what only He could do. I had to believe that only He could do it, not me even on my best day. See, I was depending on myself to have enough good days-mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually-to live a good life for the do the daily things that make me feel like I am living a good life for the Lord anyway. Hilarious! We certainly can't depend on such an unsteady thing. I asked and He answered, and we're just going to have to go through this a million more times until I get it. There is a fine line between trying to live in discipline and victory and obedience, and just plain self-righteousness. I don't get the distinction. I mean, I obviously know there is a distinction, but I certainly have a hard time along the course of my week knowing which I am living in. It has everything to do with remembering what I understood to be true last night: If I am doing poorly, Jesus is my only hope to rise up and have joy and life again. I must come to Him and ask and wait. If I am doing well, it had absolutely nothing to do with me and my abilities...Jesus is being merciful. Oh, be merciful again!

I wrote a song this week; here's the first verse...

"Seems like I'm doing fine except when I'm not
I'm sure as I can be and then I can't be sure at all
I can do anything except when I can't
and when I can't remember why, oh when I can't remember why,
when I can't remember why I should still try to try,
stay by my side."


  1. This is a little off topic but I really want to recommend a book called Made to Crave by Lysa Terkeurst. If you ever wonder what runs through my brain (re: food)her words describe it perfectly. I cried through so much of it and then had to re-read it with my notebook and jot down life changing things. Her other books are really great also. B/C of this book and how it pushed me more towards God and less to food I lost 5 lbs last month - which is HUGE for this girl who only wishes she'd lose weight and never does anything about it. :)

  2. That is awesome. I will definitely be looking for it!
